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University Senate

EASU Senate is the supreme organ of the university which ensures that the university is well managed. It is chaired by the university President.

Members of the University Senate:
-The University president who chairs its sessions;
-EASU Rector who acts as secretary;
-All members of the University Family;
-Academic and Research Director;
-Finance Director;
-Communication and Public Relations Director;
-Dean of Students;
-Four external representatives appointed by the University Family and respectively selected for their profile in the field of education, sciences, and technology;
-Two representatives of the teaching staff elected by their colleagues;
-Two representatives, of both sexes, of the administrative and supporting staff elected by their colleagues;
-Two students of both sexes elected by their colleagues.

Its main duties:
-To develop action plans and general strategic orientations of the university;
-To approve the appointment of the Board of Experts;
-To amend these regulations;
-To establish general university policies and ensure its implementation;
-Approve the budget as recommended by the Council of Directors;
-Approve the annual action plan of the university;
-Approve the university academic and financial regulations;
-Approve donations and loans received by the university;
-Approve university fees;
-Receive the Rector’s annual report;
-Approve agreements, partnerships, and affiliations with other institutions of higher learning, research centers, and other potential partners;
-Decide the closure of the university according to Burundian laws in force.

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